Promoting Teacher Use of the Supports Intensity Scale-Children's Version to Engage in Supports Planning to Enhance Access to the General Education Curriculum for Children with Intellectual Disability

Project Description


This project will develop the Supports Intensity Scale - Children’s Version (SIS-C) Supports Planning Process, an associated Teacher’s Manual, and an online Fidelity of Implementation System that will enhance the knowledge and skills of teachers to use the results of a completed SIS-C assessment to design supplementary aids and services to promote access to the general education curriculum for students with intellectual disability (ID). The SIS-C was the first standardized measure of supports needs of children with ID, developed with a previous IES Goal 5 Measurement grant (co-PIs: Hughes, Thompson, & Wehmeyer; 2011-2015). Educators need tools and strategies to enhance their knowledge and skills to use SIS-C assessment data to inform supports planning for students with ID in general education.


  • 2018-2022

Target Audience

  • Teachers


  • US Department of Education

  • Award Number: R324A180034 - 20

Project Status

  • Completed


  • James R. Thompson, Ph. D.

    Principle Investigator (PI)

    James R. Thompson, Ph. D.