
At KUCD, we conduct research, evaluation, and public policy analysis in areas that affect or could affect people with disabilities and their families. Our research focuses on self-determination, early childhood education, transitions from school to adulthood, employment, supported decision-making, and quality of life. Research efforts are supported by high quality data validation and analysis services provided by our center's Data Science team.
Among our research initiatives are:
Self-determination is about acting or causing something to happen in life. Self-determined people are causal agents who act in service to freely chosen goals. They make, or cause, things to happen in their lives through goal setting and attainment strategies.

Early Childhood
The mission of Early Childhood is to promote full participation and inclusion of young children and their families in home, school, and community settings.

Inclusive Education
Inclusion is one of the key research areas at KUCD. Current projects include a study of the academic, social, communication, and behavior outcomes associated with placement for elementary students with significant cognitive disability.

Supported Decision-Making
Supported decision-making is a personalized process that changes over the life course and involves an array of supports that are based on, at any given point in time, the person’s abilities and environmental demands for decision-making.

Research Projects and Training Grants