KUCD Leadership

Karrie A. Shogren, Ph.D.

Karrie A. Shogren, Ph.D. is a researcher who has partnered with schools, communities, people with disabilities, and their families throughout her career to build better solutions to community-identified needs in the disability field. Karrie has directed the Kansas University Center on Disabilities (KUCD) since 2016, where she leads a team of faculty, staff, students, and lived experience experts, all committed to advancing outcomes in the disability field. Dr. Shogren is also the Ross and Marianna Beach Distinguished Professor in the Department of Special Education at the University of Kansas. Karrie’s research focuses on self-determination, supported decision-making, and support needs assessment and planning for people with disabilities. She has led multiple grant-funded projects, including assessment validation and efficacy trials of self-determination interventions in school and community contexts. She has published over 270 articles in peer-reviewed journals, authored 26 books, and led the development of the Self-Determination Inventory and the Supported Decision-Making Inventory System. In addition, she has led to growth of the Self-Determination Learning Model of Instruction, a self-determination instruction model used widely in schools and communities.


Karrie A. Shogren, Ph.D.

“Any contributions I’ve made to the field are only possible through the initiative, creativity, and dedication of the KUCD Team and our partners across the United states and world.  Through partnerships we are all working to advance the quality of life and self-determination of people with disabilities, their families, and the educators and disability professionals that support them. ” -Karrie A. Shogren, Ph.D.