Community Engagement

What is Community Engagement?
Community partnerships are critical to enhance the impact of research. KUCD believes that partnering with community members will be mutually beneficial by enhancing capacity within community partners and ensuring our research is meaningful to the daily lives of people with disabilities and their families. The KUCD community engagement team supports KUCD research teams to build relationships and engage community members (schools, disability service and support organizations, self-advocates, families, community organizations) in research.

KUCD-LEND Consumer Advisory Panel (KUCD LEND-CAP)
-Advises KUCD on activities and research-Offers Investigators feedback on research projects

Partner Engagement
-Builds relationships with state agencies, organizations, schools, and local communities-Supports policymakers in the use of best practice in supports delivery in schools and community

Grant Preparation
-Maintains registry of school and community organization leadership across the state-Supports requests for letters of support from schools, state agencies, and community partners
-Coordinates letter requests from state agencies
Community Engagement Team
The KUCD community engagement team supports KUCD research teams to build relationships and partner with community members in research.