Kathleen Zimmerman Tuck, Ph.D.

- Assistant Professor, School of Education and Human Sciences - Special Education
- KUCD Affiliated Investigator, Kansas University Center on Disabilities
Contact Info
1122 West Campus Road
Lawrence, KS 66045-3101
Personal Links
Biography —
Kathleen Zimmerman is an assistant professor in the Department of Special Education at the University of Kansas. Kathleen earned her doctoral degree in Special Education from Vanderbilt University. Kathleen is a board certified behavior analyst and held dual-teaching certifications in elementary general and special education. She is a former public school teacher for elementary students with and at-risk for disabilities in self-contained and inclusive classrooms. Kathleen's research focuses on the identification of evidence-based instructional practices for students with behavioral support needs in general education settings and improving the methodology and synthesis of single case research design studies. Kathleen also engages in partnerships with teachers and paraprofessionals to identify effective coaching strategies to support the implementation of academic and behavioral interventions to improve student engagement in inclusive settings.
Research —
Dr. Zimmerman's research interests include the identification and implementation of evidence-based instructional practices for students with and without disabilities exhibiting challenging behavior in general education settings, identifying effective coaching strategies to support practitioners implementing interventions to improve student engagement, and improving the methodology and synthesis of single case research design studies.
Selected Publications —
Ledford, J. R., Barton, E. E., Severini, K. E., & Zimmerman, K. N. (2019). A primer on single case designs: Contemporary use, analysis, and synthesis [Journal Articles]. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 124(1), 35–56. https://doi.org/10.1352/1944-7558-124.1.35
Zimmerman, K. N., Ledford, J. R., & Severini, K. E. (2019). Brief Report: The effects of a weighted blanket on engagement for a student with ASD [Journal Articles]. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 34(1), 15–19. https://doi.org/10.1352/1944-7558-124.1.35
Ledford, J. R., King, S., Harbin, E. R., & Zimmerman, K. N. (2018). Antecedent social skills interventions for individuals with ASD: What works, for whom, and under what conditions? [Journal Articles]. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 33(1), 3–13. https://doi.org/10.1177/1088357616634024
Ledford, J. R., Zimmerman, K. N., Schwartz, I., & Odom, S. (2018). Guide for the use of single case design research evidence from the Division for Research of the Council for Exceptional Children [Reports].
Zimmerman, K. N., Ledford, J. R., Severini, K. E., Pustejovsky, J. E., Barton, E. E., & Lloyd, B. P. (2018). Single-Case Synthesis Tools I: Comparing Tools to Evaluate SCD Quality and Rigor [Journal Articles]. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 79, 19–32. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ridd.2018.02.003
Zimmerman, K. N., Pustejovsky, J. E., Ledford, J. R., Barton, E. E., Severini, K. E., & Lloyd, B. P. (2018). Single-Case Synthesis Tools II: Comparing Quantitative Outcome Measures [Journal Articles]. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 79, 65–76. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ridd.2018.02.001
Moeyaert, M., Zimmerman, K. N., & Ledford, J. R. (2018). Synthesis and Meta-Analysis of Single Case Research [Book Chapters]. In J. R. Ledford & D. L. Gast (Eds.), Single Case Research Methodology. Routledge.
Zimmerman, K. N., & Ledford, J. R. (2017). Beyond ASD: Evidence for the effectiveness of social narratives [Journal Articles]. Journal of Early Intervention, 39(3), 199–217. https://doi.org/10.1177/1053815117709000
Ledford, J. R., Zimmerman, K. N., Chazin, K. T., Patel, N. M., Morales, V. A., & Bennett, B. P. (2017). Coaching paraprofessionals to promote engagement and social interactions during small group activities for young children with ASD and their peers [Journal Articles]. Journal of Behavioral Education, 26(4), 410–432. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10864-017-9273-8
Ledford, J. R., Zimmerman, K. N., Harbin, E. R., & Ward, S. E. (2017). Improving the use of evidence-based instructional practices for paraprofessionals [Journal Articles]. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 33(4), 206–216. https://doi.org/10.1177/1088357617699178
Zimmerman, K. N., Ledford, J. R., & Barton, E. E. (2017). Using visual activity schedules for young children with challenging behavior [Journal Articles]. Journal of Early Intervention, 39(4), 339–358. https://doi.org/10.1177/1053815117725693
Ledford, J. R., Lane, J. D., Zimmerman, K. N., Chazin, K. T., & Ayres, K. A. (2016). Single case analysis and review framework (SCARF) [Web Publishing (article, blog, etc.)].
Selected Presentations —
Zimmerman, K. N., & Common, E. A. (2/28/2019). Creating Practice-Based Evidence: Evaluating Intervention Effectiveness in Classrooms. Council for Exceptional Children Convention and Expo. Indianapolis, IN
Ledford, J. R., Barton, E. E., & Zimmerman, K. N. (10/31/2018). Comparing Non-evidence and Evidence-based Interventions for Young Children in Early Childhood Settings. Paper accepted for presentation at the Conference for the Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children. Orlando, FL
Zimmerman, K. N., Cunningham, J. E., & Kaiser, A. P. (10/31/2018). Enhancing Language and Prosocial Outcomes for Young Children in Inclusive Classrooms. Poster accepted for presentation at the Conference for the Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children. Orlando, FL
Zimmerman, K. N., & Ledford, J. R. (3/31/2018). Investigating the Effectiveness of Social Stories and Visual Support Interventions for Children At-risk for Emotional and Behavioral Disorders. Poster presented at the Conference on Research Innovations in Early Intervention. San Diego, CA
Ledford, J. R., Barton, E. E., & Zimmerman, K. N. (3/31/2018). Synthesis of Single Case Studies: Overarching Issues and Conclusions in Systematic Review of Early Childhood Research. Symposium presented at the Conference on Research Innovations in Early Intervention. San Diego, CA
Zimmerman, K. N., Chauvin, C. B., & Majeika, C. E. (2/28/2018). Adapting Classroom-Based Antecedent Interventions for Diverse Students. Paper presented at the Midwest Symposium for Leadership in Behavior Disorders. Kansas City, MO
Cunningham, J. E., & Zimmerman, K. N. (10/31/2017). Preventing Challenging Behavior: Using UDL to Unlock Children’s Access to Tier I Instruction. Paper presented at the Conference for the Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children. Portland, OR
Zimmerman, K. N., Ledford, J. R., & Severini, K. E. (10/31/2017). Using a Weighted Blanket to Improve Engagement During Kindergarten Circle Time. Poster presented at the Conference for the Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children. Portland, OR
Zimmerman, K. N., Osborne, K., Ledford, J. R., Severini, K. E., & Martin, J. (3/31/2017). Single Case Design Assessments of Interventions in Early Childhood Settings: Taking Advantage of Adaptability without Sacrificing Experimental Control
. Paper presented at Women in Behavior Analysis Conference. Nashville, TN
Zimmerman, K. N., Ledford, J. R., & Barton, E. E. (2/28/2017). Using Visual Activity Schedules for Children with Persistent Challenging Behavior. Poster presented at the Midwest Symposium for Leadership in Behavior Disorders. Kansas City, MO
Ledford, J. R., Zimmerman, K. N., Harbin, E. R., & Ward, S. E. (10/31/2016). Coaching paraprofessionals to provide systematic instruction for children with ASD. Poster presented at the Conference for the Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children. Louisville, KY
Zimmerman, K. N., & Quinn, E. D. (10/31/2016). Multi-Tiered AAC and Visual Supports: Enhancing Student Engagement and Decreasing Problem Behavior. Paper presented at the Conference for the Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children. Louisville, KY
Ledford, J. R., Lane, J. D., Zimmerman, K. N., & Shepley, C. (2/28/2016). Bigger, better, & more complex: To what extent do newer overlap-based metrics adequately describe single case data?. Poster presented at the Conference on Research Innovations in Early Intervention. San Diego, CA
Barton, E. E., Ledford, J. R., & Zimmerman, K. N. (2/28/2016). Conducting research on research: Suggestions for improving single case design studies. Paper presented at the Conference on Research Innovations in Early Intervention. San Diego, CA
Zimmerman, K. N., & Ledford, J. R. (10/31/2015). Exploring social narratives beyond autism: A review of literature. Poster presented at the Conference for the Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children. Atlanta, GA
Awards & Honors —
Dick Shores Award for Excellence in Teacher Education
Vanderbilt University
J. David Sexton Doctoral Student Award
Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children
Melvin I. Semmel Award for Excellence in Dissertation Research
Vanderbilt University